tl;dr — CS guides

Philip Pol
2 min readAug 2, 2020

The tl;dr series is meant to be a quick summary of a topic with just enough information to get you from knowing nothing to being able to understand and work with the topic. All topics have a source-code file hosted on github.

**I have since got rid of this series — please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you do have any questions on the topics below. More than happy to help if I can :)

Note: these tl;dr’s used to be called “my notes”, literally. I am a self-taught developer and these are my notes. If they help you then perfect if you see a mistake even better (& please let me know of said mistake). I am here to learn, and hopefully, you are too!

Pandas Series & DataFrame

Pandas is a data analysis and manipulation tool. You’ll work a lot with Series (think Vectors or 1D arrays) and DataFrames (Matrices, 2D arrays, or even excel spreadsheets). You can sort and clean data for further processing, or you can do SQL like processes on datasets to create your preferred dataset by merging and joining data. The data you use can be in multiple formats (.csv, .xlsm, and JSON to name a few) on your local computer or from a URL. Once you have created a dataset/frame you can save it locally in the formats discussed earlier.

Pandas is a powerful and widely used tool that is a great addition to anyone's toolset.

To learn more check out this Colab:

This is what I am replicating — my notes and my (wishfully) methodical journey through computer science! The image is of a page from my website,



Philip Pol

Developer (CRM/ERP/Process management software) C#.NET JavaScript & honestly whatever will get the job done!